
Urban Site:
· As in whole cities and limited sites, which would lead to urban design intervention. These interventions define urban design as a whole and create city buildings.
· Integrated into its geographic milieu, actual size and interrelated fields of influence and effect(surroundings, physical and non-physical attributes, proximate and non-proximate relations).
· History refers to urban site through Leonardo Da Vinci’s Milan sketch where he represents an incomplete figure ,dynamic interrelations, perforated limits and images. Moreover, history also refers to the ideal renaissance plan of Palmanuova, where it describes the urban site as a bounded place, fixed object in an open field and delineated between inside and outside.
· Is represented by the following: terminologies, graphic conventions, common terms(place, ground, context, scale, location and boundary), and concepts.
· Mainly defined and represented in five main points:
- Mobile ground: which involves negotiations between all sides of the project/ shift, bend, and flex of site boundaries and image/ defines the space of progression, slippage, and continual revaluation.
- Site reach: which involves the measurement of extent rage and level of interactions between a localized place and the surroundings/mainly depends on the special and operational extension of the common areas that link the site in itself to other places.
- Site construction: process that yields a designed understanding of the site through consciously selective viewing/ gather all fields of interest and effect.
- Unbound sites: uncouples the definition of site boundary from notions of ownership and poverty/ define site limits, scale and boundary permeability/ understanding the surrounding sites that are linked to this urban site.
- Urban Constellation: blurs the lines between context and site/integrates knowledge of local based urban characteristics/requires that designers situate their urban sites in multiple contextual frames.
· Representation through: drawings, models and maps
· Process that involves creativity, conceptual understanding relations between and across site knowledge.
High Performance Sites:
· The role of the site in building creates a source in building materials and energy for construction/ repository for building materials and energy imported from far afield.
· It also links interdependent systems combining intrinsic and extrinsic resources.
· The site can be categorized in one of the following main groups: beginning in prehistory and continuing today/ beginning with industrialization and modernism/ beginning in the present post-industrial time.
Site as a Source of Materials and Energy for Building:
· Materials where found in nature
· The transportation was difficult and expensive due to industrialization
· The plot provided space for stockpiling and storing materials
· Locations on or near the building lot provided the construction materials needed
· The cost of materials was a greater component of economic value than that of the direct labour costs of building
· Energy for building was limited
· This mode of production conformed to the economic pattern of traditional societies: circular consumption sequences/ vernacular buildings surviving to the present
Site as a Depository of Materials and Energy for Building:
· New materials for building: reinforced concrete/steel/ synthetic goods
· Evolution in transportation technologies
· Heating, cooling and ventilating provided control to the interior environment
· Le Corbusier ‘s proposal to one single building for all nations and climate, as well as the fact that construction has become more dependent on technological factors(mechanical systems), lead to the evolution of the international style
Building with Site: High performance Design:
· Which basically means the use of sustainable architecture involving the following: saving energy use/ creating healthy interiors/ limiting the impact on the environment/ less use of materials/ increase in use or renewable energy source and new materials.

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